2005 is over !

Today, last ride of 2005. I hope to close that chapter for ever. I told Mike to highlight the results of today's ride and mark them "ground 0". We did exactly 30 miles at 13.6 mph with an average HR for me of 138. To put it in perspective, I did on July 26, two weeks before the accident 28.95 miles at 15.3 mph with an average HR of 135 ! Exept for the temperature, the weather conditions were very similar, dry and less than 10 mph wind. So, long way to go.
I finish the year with a total of 6453 miles, including 279 indoor on the trainer. My goal was 9000 miles ! I have done this year 199 rides (both indoor and outdoor) with an average speed over the year of 13.77 mph and for a total of 469 hours.
I missed out on most of my goals because of the accident, but at least I completed the 200, 300 and 400 K brevets. I am proud of the 400 as it took a lot of will power to complete.
This year, I joined "bikejournal.com" and I found this a very useful tool as well as a good motivation. I wish more members of the club would join. It is fun to see what the others are doing.
And I am also starting this blog. I hope it will evolve in one where some of our english speaking riding friends join in and we can discuss items of interest for bicycling. The first one in my mind is safety. I hope to be able to accomplish some kind of result in 2006. Today the only change, with this posting is that I added to my photo library most of the pictures that Mike took during the "Ride North Carolina, Mountains to the Coast" 2005.
For the coming year, my number one goal is to complete the Tour de France cyclo. This is the top priority. In the process of preparing for it, I hope to complete another serie of brevets, 200, 300 and 400 and maybe 600, although it looks at this point a little unlikely.
And after the Tour de France, maybe Mike and I can find a one week tour somewhere else than North Carolina.
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