Celebration of life ride - May 13, 2006

This time I was not riding but sagging and I am happy I chose to do that. Not only, I like the feeling of giving back a little bit of what cycling has given me, I also found it quite interesting and a good learning experience.
I was also proud to be part of such an enormous event for this area. There were more than 1,200 riders in what is now the largest fully supported free ride in the US. All that thanks to the efforts of one man, Tom Coghill ! I hope his accomplishment will be one day recognize for its full value to us cyclists, and to Virginia Beach.
I was able to follow some of the fast riders and look at their pace lines, riding along at 22, 23 mph. On one occasion, one pace line made u

I also enjoyed being able to help a few of the riders, mostly with flat, deflated tire

I was planning on staying on with the riders as long as possible, but I had to take 2 riders who were cramping back to the start from the Munden Point Park. By the time I arrived at the Sportxplex, it was past 1 p.m. and I quit sagging at that point.
In all, a good learning experience.
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